You are given a 0-indexed array of integers nums of length n. You are initially positioned at nums[0].

Each element nums[i] represents the maximum length of a forward jump from index i. In other words, if you are at nums[i], you can jump to any nums[i + j] where: 0 <= j <= nums[i] and i + j < n Return the minimum number of jumps to reach nums[n - 1]. The test cases are generated such that you can reach nums[n - 1]. It’s guaranteed that you can reach nums[n - 1].


  • Input: nums = [2,3,1,1,4]
  • Output: 2
  • Explanation: The minimum number of jumps to reach the last index is 2. Jump 1 step from index 0 to 1, then 3 steps to the last index.

Solution (Java)

Imagine splitting the array into little subarrays where we categorize entries together, that can be reached with the same amount of jumps. For the given example it would be [2],[3,1],[1,4].

In order to do so, we iterate from left to right. First we use 0 jumps and are at i=0. We look at the furthest point we can reach which is i=3. We know that any entries in between them can be reached with 1 jump. We go through each of them and keep track of the furthest point we can reach. All entries until that “furthest” point are in the “2-jump” category. If we reach the end of the “1-jump” category, we move onto the “2-jump” category and so on. Trivially, if the answer is j, and we are in the “j-1-jump category” if we can land on > j, we can break.

class Solution {
    public int jump(int[] nums) {
        // left to right, keep track of farthest point, increment jumps
        // if farthers point from previous jump reached

        // one could imagine this as a tree, where each level denotes the
        // min. number of jumps required to these nodes OR
        // imagine by splitting the array into little subsections where categorize
        // entries together, that can be reached with the same amount of jumps

        // e.g. 1 -> 2,3 -> 4,5,6 (3 requires 1 jump, 6 requires 2)
        // [1],[2,3],[4,5]
        int n = nums.length;
        int jumps = 0;
        int farthest = 0; // farthest point that can reached in the current "jump" level
        int end = 0; // denotest the end of the level in the tree, before going to next level

        for(int i=0; i<n-1; ++i){
            farthest = Math.max(farthest, nums[i]+i);

            if(farthest >= n-1){
                return jumps;

            if(i==end){ // if we iterated through all entries that could be reached from last jump

        return jumps;